Week of 12.10.18

Hello Brave Community! 

Happy Monday Evening!  The holiday spirit is in the air!  Holiday music is playing!  Jingle bells are ringing!  And our teachers continue to provide an exceptional teaching and learning experience for all of our BRAVE students!

As a Leader in Me campus, we highlight one of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People each week.  Our habit of the week this week is Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind!   We teach and model for our students how to plan ahead and set goals.  We emphasize the importance of being prepared.

Word of the Week (WOW):
This week’s word is “gratitude”.  It is a noun that means being thankful and appreciative.  Partner with us in focusing on our campus WOW.  Ask your student to use the word in a sentence or perhaps you could be very intentional in your use of our word.  Thanks for your participation!

Library Nights:
Join us in the library most Tuesdays, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. for a Read Aloud and an activity.  The next Library Night is scheduled for 12/11.  We hope to see you there! 

Looking Ahead:
Upcoming Library Night: 12/11!
December 10-14:  Penguin Patch!
December 14:  Cultural Fair!
December 19: Holiday Parties!
December 20 - January 7, 2019: Winter Break (for students)!
January 8. 2019:  First day of the Spring Semester!

Quote of the week:
“Believe you can and you’re half way there.”  Theodore Roosevelt

My Belief:
I consider it a privilege and a blessing to serve the Double File Trail Elementary Community as the principal.  I believe in our students and their ability to achieve excellence in education. I want to partner with you to make this happen.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any member of my team in support of your child’s education.  We are ALL here to support and encourage our students to BE BRAVE, CHOOSE KIND and LEAD ON!

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